To bring together acclaim media, photographic work with experimental painting
    it has been the base for an exiting and dynamic encounter.
  Hildegard has developed the title Drumo together with Pedro in order to merge
   boundaries, explore the vast opportunities of all media.
 DRUMO is neither a German nor Portuguese word, it doesn’t mean anything,
it doesn’t exist and joins the phonetics of the German and Portuguese
    language similar to the exibition where they create a line of encounter,
                    a bridge in between the two cities and artists.

  DRUMO ist eine klanglich abstrakte Wortfindung

ist ein kausaler Impuls,
the suggestion of a balance and a rhythm in the relation that things can have
   between themselves, and in the energy that moves and its moved by all.
     The empathy that holds the energy of the movement of reality.
       The energy of chaos, the connections that take place, the options, the paths,
the balance, the water and the three layers of elements of this earth:
                 air, water and the earth, the under-land…
  in this trip through time’s own time, in this tune, where these movements –            
     tuned to this rhythm. wonder amongst waves that mingle chaos into reality
der von der Malerei, der Photographie
und von Videoarheiten hier adaptiert wird und
sich der Zeit des Ortes (Stapelhaus) in
eine Re-Kontextualisierung der Bewegung im Heute stellt.
       paths with walls that are to be doors and bridges to be.
the pysical spaces are human, of the same matter but of diferent stages,
   belong to the human space. In the water path’s life, this balance
      in the atmosphere we walk. To give and to take.
action and consequence, a direction in the way of being with time.
     and if in this physical space, in the form of a dream the construction
           of the inner dimension
   the history and what we are now, the past the present and the future
  this time without time, the memories come closer and the crossroads meet.
 doors and bridges will be frontiers or points of confluence.